


Stöcklin EAGLE-ANT 2

Stöcklin EAGLE-ANT 2

Swiss long-established material handling brand

Ensure safety and navigation with a laser scanner. It is possible to flexibly respond to the addition of vehicles and route changes.
Maximum lift up: up to 3,900mm
Maximum lifting weight:
2.0m at 1,750kg
2.5m at 1,500kg
3.2m at 1,000kg
3.9m at 500kg


Device type High lift
maximum lifting weight 2.0m at 1,750kg
2.5m at 1,500kg
3.2m at 1,000kg
3.9m at 500kg
Maximum lift up to 3,900mm
Maximum speed* (when going straight ahead) Up to 1.8m/s (6.5km/h)
Normal 1.4m/s (5km/h)
Maximum speed* (when moving backward) Up to 1.8m/s (6.5km/h)
Normal 1.4m/s (5km/h)

PLiBOT's products enable robots to collaborate and operate simultaneously.
Sales are basically limited to Japan.

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